Allergy Relief
Food Allergies: Significant Problems, Profound Solutions!
Several recently published papers describing metabolic pathways involving IgG antibodies are very suggestive of IgG's role in mast cell degranulation (and subsequent inflammation). IgE antibodies (Type I Immediate Onset Hypersensitivity Reactions) have long been recognized as the immunological mediators of this rapid response pathway initiating inflammation. Now it is becoming increasingly clear that certain antibodies of the IgG family may also play a role in inducing allergies and provoking inflammation. The IgG family of antibodies (IgG1, 2, 3, and 4) are still recognized as being the effectors of the classic Type III Delayed Onset Hypersensitivity Reactions, but it is the IgG4 subset that has this almost IgE -like quality involving mast cells, histamine, and the subsequent cascade of inflammation. This is especially interesting when it is realized that the IgG4 subset quantitatively comprises only a small fraction of the IgG family of antibodies. IgG4 apparently is small but carries a big stick!
Another provocative area of immunology that has been overlooked when considering allergies is the role of cytokines within the immune system, both in communicating information as well as initiating far-reaching functional changes of different organ systems. When the immune system is engaged in IgG production, numerous cytokines are also put into motion. The influence of these cytokines extends beyond the immune system to specific areas of the brain that regulate and affect behavior and mood. It is no wonder that under the influence of these powerful compounds people can feel sick and tired when they are indeed being 'assaulted' immunologically.
Recent advances in ELISA testing technologies have resulted in increased sensitivity for detecting allergen-specific IgG antibodies with remarkable precision and reproducibility. US BioTek Laboratories has for some time been analyzing serum for allergen-specific IgG antibodies. The technologies employed allow us to pay special attention to the IgG4 subset while continuing to assay the total IgG family of antibodies. IgE has long been associated with the fact that certain foods, like peanuts or fish, may induce a severe immune response and life threatening anaphylaxis in susceptible individuals. It is really no shock then that IgE levels can also be elevated to many other commonly eaten foods. Identifying these foods and minimizing exposure to the foods, or better yet, in most cases, eliminating them from one's diet, can go a long ways in helping many individuals get out from under some pretty serious health issues. The sources of chronic or sporadically recurrent health problems are often found to be caused by underlying food allergies. Although not surprising, given our general tendency to resist change, certain disciplines within the field of medicine are still hesitant to acknowledge the reality of food allergies as having any significant influence on a patient's state of health. This trend is almost unbelievable to physicians who have been working with the new ELISA based food allergy testing. The objective evidence
of elevated antibodies and the dramatic clinical results cannot be denied.
The mystery of why the immune system should expend such a significant amount of energy in response to specific foods is still not clearly elucidated. Yet the demonstration of this engagement and the recognition of numerous and potentially negative health impacts is now well within the reach of most professional healthcare providers.
Evidence in the Clinic Following are brief clinical case histories of 12 patients. The foods to which they were found to have significantly elevated
antibody values (either-or both, IgE's and IgG's) were identified through ELISA based serum analysis. The treatment protocol in part is straightforward: avoid the culprit food(s). Often, selected supplements were given and these are simply listed. The best part is the treatment outcome!
1) 6-year-old Boy with Hyperactivity
This six-year-old boy had a history of serious hyperactive behavior and was more than a handful for his parents. He was often in trouble at school and had difficulty playing with other children without getting 'too rambunctious'.
Allergies: The allergy test ordered for him showed elevated antibodies to dairy, chicken, eggs, cucumber, gluten, and citrus fruits.
Treatment/outcome: Avoid the allergic foods and supplement with EFA's. His parents reported some positive changes initially. After 3 months, his hyperactivity was greatly improved. His teachers (and classmates) also noted that he became more tractable and socialable.
2) Serious Otitis Media
An 8-year-old boy had, over the past several years, several bouts of serious otitis media. Inflammation and fluid accumulation behind his eardrums was of such chronic nature that he needed to be intubated a least twice per year. He remained feverish with a temperature of 102F.
Allergies: Allergy testing showed elevated antibodies to dairy, eggs, sesame, sunflower seeds, blueberry, strawberry, cranberry and others.
Treatment/outcome: Avoid the allergic foods and supplement with EFA's. Because of his many allergic foods, he was also placed upon the intestinal rebuilding formula GI ReNu. There was no overt change noted during the first month, although his fever was reduced slightly to about 100.4F. After staying on the elimination diet and supplements for 3 months his ENT doctor did not find any abnormal fluids in his ear. After 6 months, he had not suffered from another otitis media flare up (and has not to date!). He also sprouted almost 4 inches within one year of being tested.
3) Female with Multiple Chronic Complaints
Four major complaints comprised the lot suffered by one 33-year-old female: fatigue, dark circles under her eyes, edema , and although she wanted to, she had not been able to get pregnant in her 4 years of marriage.
Allergies: When she was tested for allergies, she had significant elevations of antibodies to dairy, egg, corn, pineapple, banana, and others.
Treatment/outcome: She was advised to avoid the allergic foods and supplement with EFA's. Because of the seriousness of her complaints and the extent of her allergic foods, she was also placed on the intestinal rebuilding supplement GI ReNu and a hypoallergenic protein supplement. The dark circles under her eyes, the edema, and fatigue all were dramatically improved after 2 months. She also became pregnant after 5 months.
4) Chronic Migraine Headache
Continual migraine headaches plagued this 55-year-old woman. Headaches had been the bane of her life for several years and when she was 31 years old she had to quit her job because the constant pain and 'sickish' feeling made her incapable of working a full day. At 50 years old she was feeling suicidal and was diagnosed by a psychologist as being melancholic.
Allergies: Her allergy test revealed elevated antibody values to dairy, gluten, honey, and coffee.
Treatment/outcome: She was advised to avoid the allergic foods and was given EFA supplements along with GI ReNu and a hypoallergenic protein powder. After one month she ceased having migraines, and has not had one since. Her psychologist has reported that her mental condition is much better.
5) A serious case of dermatitis
A serious case of dermatitis, mainly on her arms, had tormented a 14-yearold girl for many years. She also complained of 'heavy' headaches
and a state of near constant fatigue.
Allergies: Dairy, cucumber, and strawberry were all associated with elevated antibodies.
Treatment/outcome: Avoid the allergic foods and supplement with EFA's. After 2 months, her headaches were completely eliminated and did not recur. She began to once again feel strong and able. After four months into the diet the skin on her arms had become smooth and bright. She remarked that she had never owned such beautiful skin before!
6) 10-year-old Boy with Autism
This 10-year-old boy with Autism also had a positive stool culture for Candida.
Allergies: Upon testing, antibodies to dairy, egg, and gluten were all found to be quite elevated.
Treatment/outcome: Avoid the allergic foods and supplement with EFA's and GI ReNu. After two months, there was a great improvement in this young boys mental condition.
7) 1-year-old Child with Insomnia
The parents of 1-year-old Matthias came to KFW Clinic seeking help for their son's problem of waking every two hours since moving to town a few months ago. Both parents have to work in the morning and they were exhausted having to look after him through the night. Physical examination of the child found him to be perfectly normal and indeed extraordinarily healthy. There was no indication of any potential allergy problems. However, since food allergies can still be a potential culprit, the pediatrician went ahead and recommended food allergy testing to be done.
Allergies: The allergy results revealed that the boy was highly allergic to dairy products.
Treatment/outcome: Upon withdrawal of dairy products from his diet, the child slept through the night in less than a week. A few weeks later when the child was accidentally exposed to dairy products, he again woke repeatedly in the night.
8) Female with Serious Constipation
A 38-year-old female patient had a serious problem with constipation for several years.
Allergies: Antibodies to dairy, egg, and baker's yeast were quite elevated.
Treatment/outcome: After one month of using the rotation diet, her bowel functions normalized and no more problems with constipation since.
9) Female with Chronic Cough of 10 Years Duration
A 48-year-old female with a ten-year history of chronic cough, which did not improved despite consultations with many doctors over the ears, was referred to my clinic by her brother whose children were under my care.
Allergies: The food allergy panel revealed strong allergies to dairy products, shrimp, corn, barley, oat, sesame, and rice. The fruits to which she strongly reacted were banana, grape and pear. She also had a moderate reaction to egg white.
Treatment/outcome: By following the customized rotation diet, she improved dramatically. After one subsequent follow-up at the clinic, she did not feel the need to return to the clinic anymore as she no longer suffered from the cough, which had been bugging her all this time!
10) Child with Frequent Episodes of Illnesses
This child developed normally for the first 2 years and then started having frequent episodes of various illnesses including viral fever, gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, recurrent attacks of bronchitis, urticaria and constipation.
Allergies: Food allergy testing demonstrated the presence of severe allergies to dairy products and eggs.
Treatment/outcome: Following the removal of these offending foods from his diet, the child has no need to return to my clinic. Before, he would present himself every few weeks without fail.
11) Esophageal Reflux, Nausea, Anxiety, and Low Libido
40-year-old female with a lifetime history of esophageal reflux and nausea, often to the point of vomiting. Gastroenterologists had not been able to diagnose this problem. Patient also had a long history of anxiety, aternating constipation and loose stools, rosacea fatigue, low libido, multiple hemical sensitivities, and upper respiratory infections.
Allergies: Allergy test results revealed high allergies to dairy and eggs.
Treatment/outcome: Reflux and nausea fully resolved within 2 days of removing dairy and eggs from diet. Anxiety also resolved. Stools are normal. Energy and libido are much better. Multiple chemical sensitivities greatly diminished. Rosacea ontinued to improve over the following year.
12) Intestinal Distress
40-year-old female with a 9-month history of intestinal distress involving diarrhea, nausea, gas, fatigue, backaches, insomnia, and periodically numb fingers. A full G.I. Investigation was negative. She stated that her stools were like 'mud'. Moreover, she had a dairy intolerance.
Allergies: Allergy testing revealed high antibodies to almonds. The patient revealed that almonds were her favorite snack!
Treatment/outcome: The elimination of almonds resulted in the quick resolution of all symptoms.
Evidence in the Literature
Volume 1, Spring 2002